Recent Project Completion

Port of Tauranga Exterior Building Washing

The Port of Tauranga building washing project involved ongoing maintenance of over 50 buildings, including gutters and roof treatments.

The Port of Tauranga had requested Facilitate Group to complete the building washing of over 50 buildings, including gutters and roof treatments. Due to the nature of their business this contract is on-going, and schedules must be easily moved throughout the year to accommodate their ever-changing requirements including weather and shipping timetables.

Project Completed – 2024

facilitate port building washing

Project Services

Project Objectives & Constraints

  • Functionality: It is paramount for their buildings to be well maintained to handle the extensive works they produce. From storage facilities, office buildings, warehouses, and dangerous goods areas.
  • Minimise Disruption: Being a place of work that never closes, all work at the Port site needs to be well executed to avoid disruption to any Portside operations.
  • Project Program Management: Our schedules were provided to Port Management and approved and adhered to by our technicians.
  • Health & Safety: All our Facilitate Group technicians must have NZ Police checks completed, Blue-Zone inductions regularly and complete random drug and alcohol tests. Our technicians are all fully trained in EWP, working at heights, confined space training, harness work and abseiling. Facilitate Group demonstrates unwavering commitment to the safety of its staff and the Port of Tauranga’s employees and contractors.

Project Outcome

Facilitate Group has held this contract with the Port of Tauranga for the past three years, proving that we are well equipped to maintain and complete works for them within this unique work-site.

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